Madam, there is no peace in the family. The second lady sees you as a thorn in her side, and she wakes up. How can she let the archduke go? "

Yin Fu’s heart is full of fear, but he said, "If I don’t know, how can a mother have the heart to watch her child step on a dead end? But if there is a chance, she should always try it."
Ao Bing said, "It’s not difficult for the lady to wake up when she wants the second lady."
Mrs. Yin’s hopes are rising, and her lips are moving, and she has nothing to say.
Yang Chan stayed in the mountains for a long time and told Jin Xia some strange stories. He also listened to some stories about acting on mountain spirits and ghosts. At this time, he saw that Mrs. Yin was like this. At that time, he thought that his mother had resisted the top ten suns with one sword and his nose was slightly sour. He asked Ao Bing for Mrs. Yin, "Where does this come from and where does it go back?" Shouldn’t it be sent back to the ghost country? "
Mrs. Yin’s eyes are full of talk, waiting for Aobing to open his mouth. I dare not take a breath for fear of missing any important information.
Aobing said, "The second lady forcibly practiced the nine-tailed fox cultivation method to give birth to nine heads in exchange for vitality in times of crisis, but even the fox family’s nine-tailed fox cultivation method may not be suitable for everyone. What about her pheasant essence? She can’t cultivate a real body without practicing dharma. She can’t stand the sun exposure, but she has nine lives after all.
Now that her body is destroyed, if she doesn’t want to lose her life easily, she has to cast spells to maintain this body, but her body is broken. Is her mana limited enough to wake up? "
Yang Chan said, "But what if we can know where the second lady came from?"
Ao Bing said, "Then ask Nezha."
Yang Chan asked, "But what does this have to do with Nezha?"
AoBingNai explained, "There is a spell called Sousou, which somehow works wonders more than ordinary people in Nezha, but I think Nezha must also know the origin of the second lady if he knows the details of Su Daji."
Even if Ao Bing knows everything, he knows that Nezha will probably promise to help in Jin Yi’s case, but when he thinks of another thing, Ao Bing, if he sympathizes with Mrs. Yin today, will not arbitrarily make decisions for Nezha in the Li family.
Mrs. Yin suddenly asked eagerly together, "When will Nezha come back?"
Yang Chan Ao Bingqi shook his head. It’s hard to say that Nezha just went to Yuquan Mountain because he didn’t see her. But Mrs. Yin was so anxious that she was infected with Yang Chan’s emotions. She pleaded, "Help them with the help of Santai. Ask Nezha!"
Ao Binglue meditated and Nezha sounded.
Nezha introduced the golden bow in Yang Jian, Jinxiadong, Yuquan Mountain, and suddenly listened to Ao Bingyin to ask, "Do you know the origin of Su Guifei in Nezha?"
What’s the matter with Ao Bing? I know where Xuanyuan Tomb is. Why is it so big? Why don’t you forget?
"Xuanyuan Tomb" Nezha said with a detailed memory and added, "It is in the southeast corner of Qilibao Village in the north of Chaoge City."
After that, I saw that the diamond in Yang Jian was jade white, and there was an axe prototype in his hand. I asked, "Second brother wants to turn this diamond into a stone axe and split Taoshan?"
Yang Jian bent down and pulled some water on the table and diligently replied "Yes" without looking up at the diamond head.
Nezha stuffed the golden bow into Yang Jian’s skirt, and the blade of the axe flashed with a touch of cold light. She felt a little chill and asked, "Second brother, don’t you really think this diamond is a little cold?"
Yang Jian said, "Stone is cold."
Nezha said, "Stone is cold, but it is hot. Diamond is not a stone."
Yang Jian said, "If a stone is like a magic stone, if it can split Taoshan to save its mother, then Yang Jian wants a stone!"
Chapter 51 Chapter 51
Is a concubine suspected of being a demon going to die in that small barbarian country? Yang chan listened, and the words "spoil my concubine and destroy my wife" suddenly popped up in her heart. But family affairs are never difficult to break, and now it is even more difficult when it comes to state affairs. Her little daughter has no way, so she looked at Aobing and asked him to give an idea for Mrs. Yin.
Aobing walked with a face and didn’t know what was going on. Aware that Yang Chan’s eyes were clear about what the girl with the heart of Notre Dame wanted to say, he withdrew his speculation. Nezha’s mind focused on Yanfu’s person, but when she saw that she was worried, she wrote her fear of losing Jin Yun’s mind on her face.
After a brief analysis of the Jin Guo incident, Ao Bing said, "Chen Tang is an important card of the Shang Dynasty, and he is looked after by Excavate, which shows that he has a weight in the heart of Shang Wang and how can he be on a par with the devil?" Excavate’s position in the big business is not a big deal. There is a Su Guifei in Nai, who knows that the ghost side plays an important role in the heart of the Shang king, so he uses the word loyalty and filial piety to provoke the Shang king’s anger in order to achieve the second lady’s revenge method.
Madam, there is no peace in the family. The second lady sees you as a thorn in her side, and she wakes up. How can she let the archduke go? "
Yin Fu’s heart is full of fear, but he said, "If I don’t know, how can a mother have the heart to watch her child step on a dead end? But if there is a chance, she should always try it."
Ao Bing said, "It’s not difficult for the lady to wake up when she wants the second lady."
Mrs. Yin’s hopes are rising, and her lips are moving, and she has nothing to say.
Yang Chan stayed in the mountains for a long time and told Jin Xia some strange stories. He also listened to some stories about acting on mountain spirits and ghosts. At this time, he saw that Mrs. Yin was like this. At that time, he thought that his mother had resisted the top ten suns with one sword and his nose was slightly sour. He asked Ao Bing for Mrs. Yin, "Where does this come from and where does it go back?" Shouldn’t it be sent back to the ghost country? "
Mrs. Yin’s eyes are full of talk, waiting for Aobing to open his mouth. I dare not take a breath for fear of missing any important information.
Aobing said, "The second lady forcibly practiced the nine-tailed fox cultivation method to give birth to nine heads in exchange for vitality in times of crisis, but even the fox family’s nine-tailed fox cultivation method may not be suitable for everyone. What about her pheasant essence? She can’t cultivate a real body without practicing dharma. She can’t stand the sun exposure, but she has nine lives after all.
Now that her body is destroyed, if she doesn’t want to lose her life easily, she has to cast spells to maintain this body, but her body is broken. Is her mana limited enough to wake up? "
Yang Chan said, "But what if we can know where the second lady came from?"
Ao Bing said, "Then ask Nezha."
Yang Chan asked, "But what does this have to do with Nezha?"
AoBingNai explained, "There is a spell called Sousou, which somehow works wonders more than ordinary people in Nezha, but I think Nezha must also know the origin of the second lady if he knows the details of Su Daji."
Even if Ao Bing knows everything, he knows that Nezha will probably promise to help in Jin Yi’s case, but when he thinks of another thing, Ao Bing, if he sympathizes with Mrs. Yin today, will not arbitrarily make decisions for Nezha in the Li family.
Mrs. Yin suddenly asked eagerly together, "When will Nezha come back?"
Yang Chan Ao Bingqi shook his head. It’s hard to say that Nezha just went to Yuquan Mountain because he didn’t see her. But Mrs. Yin was so anxious that she was infected with Yang Chan’s emotions. She pleaded, "Help them with the help of Santai. Ask Nezha!"
Ao Binglue meditated and Nezha sounded.
Nezha introduced the golden bow in Yang Jian, Jinxiadong, Yuquan Mountain, and suddenly listened to Ao Bingyin to ask, "Do you know the origin of Su Guifei in Nezha?"
What’s the matter with Ao Bing? I know where Xuanyuan Tomb is. Why is it so big? Why don’t you forget?
"Xuanyuan Tomb" Nezha said with a detailed memory and added, "It is in the southeast corner of Qilibao Village in the north of Chaoge City."
After that, I saw that the diamond in Yang Jian was jade white, and there was an axe prototype in his hand. I asked, "Second brother wants to turn this diamond into a stone axe and split Taoshan?"
Yang Jian bent down and pulled some water on the table and diligently replied "Yes" without looking up at the diamond head.
Nezha stuffed the golden bow into Yang Jian’s skirt, and the blade of the axe flashed with a touch of cold light. She felt a little chill and asked, "Second brother, don’t you really think this diamond is a little cold?"
Yang Jian said, "Stone is cold."
Nezha said, "Stone is cold, but it is hot. Diamond is not a stone."
Yang Jian said, "If a stone is like a magic stone, if it can split Taoshan to save its mother, then Yang Jian wants a stone!"
Chapter 5 Chapter 5
The winter sunshine is cold, and the lack of warmth turns the sky and white clouds pale.
Nezha wanted to take a good nap, but he couldn’t sleep for a while. Jin Xia ran out with an animal annotation and shouted, "Brother, brother? Are you asleep? "
Nezha said lazily, "You are so old that you woke up when you fell asleep."
Jin Xia scratched his head. She was not big at all, but did not dare to refute, so she said, "It’s brother’s hearing is too good."
Nezha said, "Don’t flatter me and tell me what you’re doing here to disturb my dream?"
Jin Xia opened the notes on the animals and said, "Look at this, brother. This big horse is so powerful, and it has wings. Brother Qing Mo, can you ask him to bring it back for me?"
What is it, let an iron eater invite it?
Nezha was surprised. He opened his eyes and looked at the original horse in Jinxia’s mouth, but he thought it was a unicorn. He didn’t understand, so he explained, "This unicorn, also known as the dragon horse, is bred in the sea and represents a pure and proud beast. What do you want it to do?"
After listening to Jin Xia, I don’t know what kind of face came out with a yearning look. "I want to go to Xibohou camp in the future and ride such a white horse to kill the enemy. How awesome!"
Nezha listened and sat up and shook his head. "This beast is extremely proud. It is difficult for you to accept its mount."
Jin Xia suddenly felt depressed when she heard this. "Is there really no chance?"
Nezha patiently comforted, "It’s not that you don’t have a chance to intimidate or induce you to suppress it completely, and you’re not afraid that it won’t listen."

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