Categories 夜生活网

After You Yong pushed the door and went in, he saw Xuanqi sitting in a chair leafing through a poem and a cup of coffee just made on the table next to it.

Come in after You Yong didn’t speak quietly watching xuan qi. After a while, I saw that You Yong had been silent. Xuanqi asked, "What’s the matter?" You Yong shook his head and said, "Nothing is reminiscent of college time." Xuanqi smiled and said, "You seem to be an old man. Only an old man…

Categories 夜生活网

There is no doubt that food is just needed.

The new catering industry in the future is obviously one of the most promising industries! After all, if you can’t supplement enough energy through food, you will always be in a weak state like kidney deficiency, and your attributes will be greatly reduced. It’s hard to say whether you can go to the spiritual world…

Categories 夜生活网

Jianghan’s heart is full of thoughts, but it passes slowly. As time goes by, Chen Xuedong’s face is increasingly looking forward to Jianghan’s answer!

However, Jianghan has a headache and thinks about how to deal with it when the door is pushed open from the outside. "Old Chen Xiaoxia! What case are you handling? It’s a heroic teenager who is treated as a suspect by you! " A middle-aged man with a dignified face and a policeman pushed the…

Categories 夜生活网

"Little old man, I’m not old enough!"

"it’s not a monster disguised as a human being, but a monster alienated from human beings." Gave Zou Qiwu a rather unpleasant stare. Old Cao doesn’t like people to misinterpret and misunderstand his meaning, even a little verbal misunderstanding. "Uh …" Root didn’t expect the old man cao temper so honest and frank Zou Qiwu…

Categories 夜生活网

Mom is going to spend the Spring Festival here in summer this year, but they will have to go back to grandpa’s place for a routine party around the fourth and fifth day of the year, and then mom and Lin Chenhui will stay at grandpa’s house for a while before returning to Guangdong.

"Jin Lin! Go out with me to buy Spring Festival couplets. " Mother suddenly shouted at Lin Jin from the balcony. "I broadcast live," Lin Jin looked back discontentedly. "Is it my job to broadcast live?" "Let your brother come, you go with me to buy Spring Festival couplets, or it will be expensive in…