Categories kb会所

At this time, Princess Death suddenly lost her face and said, "No, there will be colorful visions in Yin Xiaohao’s pictures. How lewd you are to become like this!"

As soon as this sentence was exported, Sun Hao suddenly felt his face turned red! It’s a little embarrassing! Monks qi qi gave Sun Hao a strange expression. Dude, you’re here to choose a husband, and you’re a sex maniac, which makes people stiff. How can a beautiful woman choose you? Stiff thinking may also…

Categories kb会所

There is no residue left.

The intended target burned out, and the orange flame gradually narrowed, and finally a wisp of smoke dissipated. "That will do!" Staring at seven nights, I was relieved and turned to look to one side. Only to find that the other side also looked at him. So immediately reveal a smile. "This thing solved to…

Categories kb会所

All ethnic groups in the virtual world were seized by the ferocity of the golden retriever, and they were afraid. At this time, the undead knights rushed in and suddenly the teams of all ethnic groups involuntarily showed their timidity. The team was a little confused

Dan Yubai said to Geffney in a low voice, "The general morale of soldiers on our side is not good, and there are two black wings, which are likely to collapse, that is …" Sun Hao’s right shoulder was floating, and Girlan’s face also showed a little hesitation and asked, "Brother Hill, do we need…

Categories kb会所

There seems to be a man in black and black waiting for him. Chewu is in charge of the Royal Guards. Some things must be done in secret, but that’s the strange place. It may be necessary to pick up the head and throw a piece of paper in your hand to exchange information, but Chewu’s action is abnormal. It took a long time to finally come out.

Although Che Wu tried his best to keep calm, Cao Xing found that his face was finally irrepressible and excited. Finally, at noon on this day, Che Wu once again walked into the jungle. When Che Wu took the note from the man in black, his face was filled with a smile. He just wanted…

Categories kb会所

There is another advantage. It seems that the generation of true qi has a new degree of conciseness, and the true qi bases are all condensed. The higher the quality of true qi, the easier it is to generate new true qi.

It seems that the two meridians have reached the limit of being able to accept the true qi, and it is necessary for the true qi to be further compressed. Fortunately, these true qi will be automatically compressed after more than nine weeks of body-building practice, otherwise Zhao Li’s practice speed will have to be…