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Anyway, few are normal.

This is the biggest feature of the undead domain. There is silence in the ghost road, and the monks seldom strike up a conversation when they are on their own. There are also various strange ways of walking, such as Sun Hao floating forward, striding forward, sticking to the side wall of ghost roads or…

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"Sister Qing, aren’t you going to stop him?"

Looking down at a quiet pool, Zhang Chusheng looked a little lost. Because he knew that only Xiaoqing could change Pei Wende’s mind now and stop it from breaking and calming his daily life. "stop?" Accompanied by a cold and cheerless sound, the pool suddenly ripples in circles. Then, I saw a small blue snake…

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"Want to run?"

With a wave of his hand, Liu Yu’s huge hammer forced the king to appear immediately, waving coquettish strength and whistling everywhere. As soon as he smashed two inscriptions forward, the gallon of dragon flashed quickly, and the earth was immediately smashed out of a huge pit. There are two inscriptions on the giant’s hammer…

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I’m not happy when I’m beaten in a mess and my cards haven’t appeared in my heart. I want to win this game with all my strength, but it’s like a heavy punch if the other side doesn’t take it at all.

See Xiao Bocheng asking Wang Xuan was calm and shook his head. "You won’t win this game." What do you mean I win? ! Xiao Bocheng suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe easily. At this time, Liu Fu held an old stereo full of bamboo sticks in his hand in the previous step.…

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Is that really her name?

I’m confused. I don’t remember the word Yu Qingwen at all, but it seems that it’s really her name to look at a strange woman’s strange mood … "I’m so glad that you haven’t forgotten me. I know that although you hate me, you still love me, right?" It’s her name. It’s really her name.…

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In the end, at least 70 soldiers in Zhaowa were driven into a zigzag alley, and these soldiers also knew that they were doomed to surrender? The thugs who killed the red-eyed Chinese gangsters won’t accept their surrender. The only hope is to hold on desperately until reinforcements arrive. Maybe there is still a chance! These guys piled up sundries to form roadblocks, lay down behind them, and the fire was extremely dense. Chen Wei, they attacked twice in a row, and they were all beaten back. There was no way to surround them first, and then there was no way to find a way to attack them. There were definitely dozens of automatic rifles, seven classes of light machine guns, and how many people went there was not enough to die, and circuitous infiltration didn’t work. All the grandchildren were huddled together, and there were one or two automatic rifles pointing to one in the corner. What should I do?

Three stealthy guys who were hurting their brains leaned in to take the lead and asked, "There are so many monkeys in there, why don’t you kill them?" A mob boss who was temporarily in charge of the command bureau said angrily, "Those Sun’s firepower is too strong for us to attack!" The thinnest of…

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Windson looked outside the central hall and walked in front as soon as possible, followed by more than a dozen tough purple clothes and strong men. At first glance, they were Kirin people.

Is Lin Fengxian walk at the end of a cold man in black breath let oneself some familiar, but can’t remember where I met the black dress person so just. "You must be the chief of the fathers’ adult? In windson, it’s really a shame to praise the heads of the fathers’ adults. Those are…

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"Senior I …"

"Then try the secret skill. It’s at stake." The Yan Luan method of transforming the body makes the magic weapon, but the demon race makes the body situation better than controlling the magic weapon Only by physical condition can we give full play to our natural ability and make up for the lack of magic…

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There’s no way for Qin Chu to be a good incarnation of grandma Wolf and then chase after her. This is the only way to stop the great light consciousness. The great light consciousness is a round ball. Qin Chu has some inducements, plus the small white intimidation next to him. It’s so simple that Great Light immediately acknowledges the Lord.

It’s as simple as that. Qin Chu has a second Lingbao! Now Qin Chu is the master of the Great Light, so that you don’t need any nonsense spells to directly command it. "This Great Light should still change its shape so that others can see through it in a hurry," Qin Chu thought. Chapter…